I was honored to serve on the plenary panel "How CSR Teams Can Diversify the Workforce and Our Field" with Robert Simmons III, Amy Chapman, Melissa Partridge and moderator (and ACCP Board Member) Aldustus (A.J.) Jordan to discuss the importance of diversifying beyond our companies, but also the CSR and ESG profession at the ACCP Conference, Denver, CO (Oct 2023) |  Joined the Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals (ACCP) to discuss the importance of diversifying the Corporate Social Impact profession. We were hosted by Business for Societal Impact (B4SI), Corporate Volunteer Council of Atlanta and IHG Hotels & Resorts for this conversation in Atlanta, GA (September 2023) |  Participated in a book signing of Transforming Disruption to Impact: Rethinking Volunteer Engagement for A Rapidly Changing World at Barnes & Noble, Woodbridge, VA (Jun 2023) |