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ACCP Conf OCT 18, 2024 - Diversifying Field #1

I was honored to serve on the plenary panel "How CSR Teams Can Diversify the Workforce and Our Field" with Robert Simmons III, Amy Chapman, Melissa Partridge and moderator (and ACCP Board Member) Aldustus (A.J.) Jordan to discuss the importance of diversifying beyond our companies, but also the CSR and ESG profession at the ACCP Conference, Denver, CO (Oct 2023)

Joined the Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals (ACCP) to discuss the importance of diversifying the Corporate Social Impact profession. We were hosted by Business for Societal Impact (B4SI), Corporate Volunteer Council of Atlanta and IHG Hotels & Resorts for this conversation in Atlanta, GA (September 2023)

Book Signing June 17 2023

Participated in a book signing of Transforming Disruption to Impact: Rethinking Volunteer Engagement for A Rapidly Changing World at Barnes & Noble, Woodbridge, VA (Jun 2023)

ISVE speaking engagement June 15 2023

I joined the Initiative for Strategic Volunteer Engagement (ISVE) during a webinar presentation to share insights and practices related to funding strategic volunteerism. The webinar "Maximizing Your Investment through Strategic Volunteerism" brought together myself, Dr. Sue Carter Kahl and Tracey Bilski on the virtual stage to share our insights with funders (Jun 2023)

ACCP Volunteerism Summit - June 7-8 2023

Joined the Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals (ACCP) as a panelist during their June 7-8 Volunteerism Summit. I spoke on the topic of the changing landscape of volunteerism and the importance of applying equity throughout the mechanisms that engage people in service. I was joined by Ryan Adams of Benevity and Jennifer Bennett of VolunteerMatach on the virtual stage (Jun 2023)

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Participated as a panelist for Arts On the Block's Impact with Integrity: Community Empowerment & Corporate ESG fireside chat. We discussed how companies can more effectively and purposefully show up in the communities where they do business and how to avoid performative allyship in corporate social impact programming to advance ESG goals. This event took place in Silver Spring, MD (Jan 2023)

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Keynote speaker at the The 211 Leadership Summit in Alexandria, VA (Oct 2022)

POL Panel Apr 8

Joined the Points of Light Corporate Service Council to discuss "Beyond DEI Policy to Racial Equity Change". This was a virtual panel focused on corporate social responsibility response in Canada (Apr 2021)

Participated with The University of Texas at Austin RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service during their 20th Anniversary Event - Championing Volunteerism: the Invisible Arm of the Philanthropic Sector where I joined Mike King, CEO of Volunteers of America, Greg Baldwin, President & CEO of VolunteerMatch and many others to discuss the importance of funding strategic volunteering (Apr 2021)

AVPA Presentation1

Presented to members of the Association of Professional Volunteer Administrators on February 18th. We had over 20 participants from the New York City non-profit sector where I presented on the topic if "Creating a More Diverse & Inclusive Environment Through the Mechanisms that Engage Volunteers" virtually (Feb 2021)

NPConnect Engagement

Presented at during Nonprofit Connect's "National Speakers Series" on February 17th. We had over 150 participants from the Kansas City non-profit sector where I presented on the topic if "Creating a More Diverse & Inclusive Environment Through the Mechanisms that Engage Volunteers" virtually (Feb 2021)

Listen Up ScreenShot3

Featured in the February 10th "The Listen Up! Show" hosted and presented by the Atlantic Corporate Volunteer Council and Realized Worth Institute. Host Chris Jarvis and I discuss the intersection between DEI and volunteerism in corporate social responsibility strategies. Recording in link (Feb 2021)

In Action Marshfield Clinic

In partnership with Volunteer Wisconin AmeriCorps and Marshfield Clinic I presented a 2-part webinar and follow-on discussion (February 3rd and 4th), "DEI & Anti-Racism When Engaging Volunteers" (Feb 2021)

CVC Engagement 1-19-21

Participated as a panelist along with Sue Carter-Kahl and Bernette Dawson, hosted by Cambridge Volunteer Clearinghouse on January 19th on the topic of "Equity in Volunteering". The full video of this virtual event is posted in the link (Jan 2021)

MAVA Conference Flyer 11-16-2020

Delivered a keynote presentation during MAVA's virtual conference on “Redefining Volunteerism: Dismantling Inequities" titled "Beyond Diversity and Inclusion: Building Anti-Racism within your Volunteerism Programming" where I shared the historical and cultural context of volunteerism as a western nation and how it may undermine our very efforts (Nov 2020)

Business In Action Series

Shared the stage with Toni Stiefel, Impact Advisor at The Fehlig Group for an open discussion titled "Business in Action Discussion Series: The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility". Hosted by Leadership Montgomery and moderator Wylea Chase virtually. Link to recorded video below (Nov 2020)


Presented at ServeOhio's "Ohio Conference on Service & Volunteerism" on October 29th. We had over 100 participants representing close to 100 organizations within the Ohio non-profit sector where I presented on the topic if "Creating a More Diverse & Inclusive Environment Through the Mechanisms that Engage Volunteers" virtually (Oct 2020)

ASC Presentation

Presented at the 2020 Volunteer Generation Fund Virtual Convening October 8-9, 2020, hosted by America's Service Commissions. Topic was "DEI & Anti-Racism When Engaging Volunteers" virtually (Oct 2020)

VFF Round 2 DEI in vol engagement discus

Co-facilitated a virtual roundtable discussion on the role of volunteer engagement in fighting racism with Susan Sanow of Volunteer Fairfax. This was the second in a series of discussions - PowerPoint Presentation Attached in Link (Oct 2020)

I joined the Rumi Forum along with co-panelists Katherine Marshall, Executive Director of World Faiths Development Dialogue & Kim R. Ford, President/CEO of Martha's Table to talk about "Charity In the Age of Pandemic", Washington, DC. View recorded panel using the link below (Sep 2020)

Resiliency in Volunteer Engagement - Les

Participated on panel called "Resiliency in Volunteer Engagement: Lessons from a Pandemic" hosted by the Association for Leaders In Volunteer Engagement (AL!VE) where I shared my personal experiences and take on resiliency while managing life through the COVID-19 pandemic while discussing trends we'll see in new "social good" environment (Aug 2020)

moderated discussion

Moderated International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) Global Corporate Volunteer Council (GCVC) roundation on "Promoting Racial Justice" with members representing Fortune companies across the globe (Jul 2020)

Candid Convo

Participated as virtual panelist on the topic of "The Impact of Racism on Employee Engagement" as a Candid Conversation series event hosted by the Charities@Work Employee Engagement Summit. Recording attached in the link (Jun 2020)

volunteer fairfax roundtable

Co-facilitated a virtual roundtable discussion on the role of volunteer engagement in fighting racism with Susan Sanow of Volunteer Fairfax - PowerPoint Presentation Attached in Link (Jun 2020)

Charities at Work Candid Convo 5/27/20

Facilitated a Charities@Work Candid Conversation "Coffee" Chat virtually. Conversation focused on CSR in COVID-19 era, with representation from Insurance, Hospitality, Philanthropy and Energy (May 2020)

Reimagining Volunteering

Participated as Community Member during the Reimagining Volunteering, for the 2030 Agenda online discussion regarding the role of the private sector in volunteerism for the SDGs (Apr 2020)

IMPACT2030 Video

Participated in the monthly IMPACT2030 Baltimore Regional Steering Committee meeting virtually during COVID-19 pandemic (Mar 2020)

Virtual Training

Provided CSR-101 training to Community Health Charities staff, Virtually. Click on image to access the training video (Mar 2020)

NCCF's Annual Backpack & Brownies

Representing Marriott International with our Montgomery County partner NCCF during their annual backpack and school supplies drive for The Neediest Kids Program, Bethesda, MD, (Aug 2019)

2019 Points of Light Conference

Presenting on “Scaling Global Volunteerism Through an Employee-Led Model” representing Marriott International, Minneapolis, MN (Jun 2019)

18th Annual Charities@Work Employee

Participating in panel regarding my nonprofit experience helping how I now execute CSR programming for a for-profit company New York, NY (Jun 2019)

2019 MI Business Council Conference

Presenting about skills-based volunteerism and the new tools available to Marriott International hotels to help engage in skills-sharing, volunteerism in Washington DC. View video of presentation in link (May 2019)

LM Corporate Vol Awards Luncheon

Attending annual Leadership Montgomery Corporate Volunteer Awards Luncheon in Potomac, MD (Feb 2019)

LM Corporate Vol Awards Luncheon

Attending annual Leadership Montgomery Corporate Volunteer Awards Luncheon in Potomac, MD (Feb 2019)

Red Cross National Capital Region

Attending the first annual American Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Summit, Washington DC (Jan 2019)

IMPACT2030 Regional Action Team

Joined business leaders from across the region to discuss potential collaborative efforts with the United Nations, corporations, non-profits and other stakeholders to address Baltimore, MD needs through employee volunteerism as part of the IMPACT2030 Regional Action Team initiative in Baltimore, MD (Nov 2018)

3BL Forum

Participating in discussion on the topic of "Aligning Employee Activism with Your Employee Giving and Volunteering Program" at the 3BL Forum, Brands Taking Stands at MGM National Harbor, MD (Oct 2018)

CPDC Summit 2018

Leading a workshop on planning and managing effective meetings for volunteer leaders at the 3rd Annual CPDC Volunteer Leadership Summit in Chevy Chase, MD (Oct 2018)

CPDC Summit 2018

Leading a workshop on planning and managing effective meetings for volunteer leaders at the 3rd Annual CPDC Volunteer Leadership Summit in Chevy Chase, MD (Oct 2018)

LM Homecoming 2018

Networking at Leadership Montgomery's 2018 Homecoming event in Silver Spring, MD (Oct 2018)

CVC Peer Session

Participating in the Leadership Montgomery's Corporate Volunteer Council Peer Learning Session at Emmes Corporation, Rockville, MD (Seo 2018)

EL '19 Pre-Program Happy Hour

Networking at Leadership Montgomery's Emerging Leaders 2019 Pre-Program Happy Hour at Dawson's Market, Rockville, MD (Aug 2018)

Presenting at NVAVA

Presenting on topic "Corporate Social Responsibility: Making it Work for Your Organization's Volunteer Program" at Northern Virginia Association for Volunteer Administration (NVAVA) in Falls Church, VA (Jul 2018)

Presenting at NVAVA

Presenting on topic "Corporate Social Responsibility: Making it Work for Your Organization's Volunteer Program" at Northern Virginia Association for Volunteer Administration (NVAVA) in Falls Church, VA (Jul 2018)

17th Annual Charities@Work Summit

Panelist during "Engaging Harder to Reach Employees through Skills-Based Volunteering" discussion at 17th Annual Charities@Work Employee Engagement Summit in New York City, NY (Jun 2018)

17th Annual Charities@Work Summit

Panelist during "Engaging Harder to Reach Employees through Skills-Based Volunteering" discussion at 17th Annual Charities@Work Employee Engagement Summit in New York City, NY (Jun 2018)

17th Annual Charities@Work Summit

Panelist during "Engaging Harder to Reach Employees through Skills-Based Volunteering" discussion at 17th Annual Charities@Work Employee Engagement Summit in New York City, NY (Jun 2018)

17th Annual Charities@Work Summit

Panelist during "Engaging Harder to Reach Employees through Skills-Based Volunteering" discussion at 17th Annual Charities@Work Employee Engagement Summit in New York City, NY (Jun 2018)

2018 IAVE GCVC Meeting

Participant at International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) Global Corporate Volunteer Council round table discussion at UPS Foundation in Atlanta, GA (Jun 2018)

Service Unites Civic 50 Certificate

Receiving the Civic 50 certificate on behalf of Marriott International at annual 2018 Service Unites Conference in Atlanta, GA (Jun 2018)

AL!VE Happy Hour

Networking and promoting membership at the Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement (AL!VE) Happy Hour Reception in collaboration with Better Impact, Georgia Association for Volunteer Administration, Inc., and Council of Volunteer Administrators of Metropolitan Atlanta (COVA) in Atlanta, GA (Jun 2018)

Business Council Conference

Presenting on corporate volunteerism at 2018 Marriott International's Worldwide Business Council Conference in Washington, DC. View video of presentation through link below (May 2018)

2018 LM CVC Luncheon

Delivering keynote speech at 2018 Leadership Montgomery Corporate Volunteer Council Luncheon in Montgomery County, MD (Feb 2018)

2018 LM CVC Luncheon

Delivering keynote speech at 2018 Leadership Montgomery Corporate Volunteer Council Luncheon in Montgomery County, MD (Feb 2018)

2018 LM CVC Luncheon

Building bridges during 2018 Leadership Montgomery Corporate Volunteer Council reception in Montgomery County, MD (Feb 2018)

Marriott Intl. Proclamation

Receiving the Proclamation certificate from Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett on behalf of Marriott International for the continued support to the community in Montgomery County, MD, during the MLK Day of Service (Jan 2018)

2017 National Summit

Co-facilitated fringe session "Beyond Volunteering: Why You Might Choose to Lead More Than Volunteers" at 2017 National Summit On Volunteer Engagement Leadership in St. Paul, MN (Jul 2017)

Got Your 6 Macy's Campaign

Being interviewed by Got Your 6 for the 2017 American Icons Macy's Campaign (May 2017)

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© Jerome Tennille Architecting Social Good

The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer

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